The next best thing...WY Elk

AT Hiker

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
After many of the Western applications have come and gone @wjohnson1983 and I were in the late stages of figuring out our game plan. We had struck out on most draws so we decided to burn our Wyoming and Montana antelope points as a group, WY was a long shot but MT had a bit better odds. Worse case scenario we try to plan 2 antelope hunts.

That's until one day in June, I get a text message as I'm closing up the office....I read it..."well we may have a problem..." and think "what the heck is he talking about" then it hits me, he drew a limited entry elk tag! I respond... "I'll call you...."

The next best thing to drawing a coveted Elk tag is having one of your good hunting buddies draw, then inviting yourself along :p
However, we had a slight dilemma. We still had two pending antelope apps. Ive never wanted to NOT draw a tag before...long story short, we struck out on WY but did draw our MT tags. Little more manageable.

So, Im using this thread to document his hunt through my lens. He will hop in from time to time but he has stuff to plan for a once in a lifetime Wyoming Elk hunt!

We head out September 24th, hoping to watch him stick a giant bull with his bow and get our packs good and bloody.


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AT Hiker

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
Please take no offense but Id rather not tell any specifics over the innerwebs, I will say its not in the NE corner were you saw those. That's our antelope area and it seems like most the elk there hang on the private ranches.
I'm sure the pictures we post will tell the tale of the general location but with less than 1% draw odds for this tag I just cannot have anymore people applying for it ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2004
Killen, AL
Please take no offense but Id rather not tell any specifics over the innerwebs, I will say its not in the NE corner were you saw those. That's our antelope area and it seems like most the elk there hang on the private ranches.
I'm sure the pictures we post will tell the tale of the general location but with less than 1% draw odds for this tag I just cannot have anymore people applying for it ;)
Ah dang it I was gonna use your Intel for when I start cashing my WY points in 😜.
Good luck & hope y'all kill a big one! I did the same with nephew & buddy 2 years ago, I had as much fun as they did just playing guide.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
West Tennessee
Please take no offense but Id rather not tell any specifics over the innerwebs, I will say its not in the NE corner were you saw those. That's our antelope area and it seems like most the elk there hang on the private ranches.
I'm sure the pictures we post will tell the tale of the general location but with less than 1% draw odds for this tag I just cannot have anymore people applying for it ;)
No offense taken at all, completely understand. We paid trespass fee to hunt deer and antelope on a private ranch, somewhere around 50,000 acres. Hoping to go back someday.

Buzzard Breath

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2006
Maury County
That's a long drive and probably not much for radio stations in that unit. You'd better make sure you got plenty of Luke Bryan downloaded to play.

Good luck guys. I'll be looking forward to the updates.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Oct 26, 2012
North AL
So I'm more of a lurker than poster on here as I tend to keep with myself, but I'll add my perspective to this post as well. This first one will probably be pretty lengthy to get up to speed on time now.

In all honesty this was all hatched 5 years ago. I had lived and worked in Alaska for 4.5 years (15 years ago), hunting and fishing there. I would get sent to Colorado Springs a lot for work and met a gentleman there that took me out ice fishing and such. We hatched a plan where I would buy points and antelope hunt together in Wyoming. Fast forward to when I left Alaska, and he back filled my job. Hasn't been to the lower 48 since, so no antelope hunt with him and I had ~3 points. I spoke with ATHiker and Buzzed Breath because I could see they had been there done that on antelope from this forum. Got one of my buddy's to put in antelope and we drew 2nd choice in WY.

Fast forward to the next year, and ATHiker posts on here that his original partner couldn't go on a mule deer hunt if anyone wanted to put in for tags and go with. Long story short my wife and I talked, and I told him I'd tag along against her better judgement. (Who drives across country on a backpacking hunt with someone they've never met? What happens if he's a serial killer or ya'll don't get along?) I'm sure his wife had similar questions as well. Turns out neither one of us are serial killers and I'm laid back enough you have to be a complete pain in the rear for me to not get along with you (ATHiker, you're nowhere near that for information purposes :)) I must not have been too bad of a Green Horn on the trip either since ATHiker and I still speak and try to plan hunts together.

That hunt got me started playing the points game in several states and learning the draw process in them. ATHiker and I usually try to plan a hunt together if we can, and then I shoot for the moon everywhere else just building points for when I can actually draw the tag(s). I also do it this way due to current life situations. I would rather have 1 awesome tag every 5 - 10 years than fight the orange army for a yearly opportunity.

That catches us up to this year. I have a 5 yo son and a 2 yo daughter and over the years since he was born the kind of the agreement with my wife was I got out of my south Alabama deer lease and go on a hunt trip out west instead. I haven't drawn any tags the last 2 years and my friends in Alaska called me in April. The guys that usually come up and hunt with us bailed due to COVID, do you want to come up and sit the baits with us? Heck yes.

I had been home from that trip for I think about 3 days and back to the real world. Went to work, picked up the kids from daycare, and had 10 minutes to get to T-ball practice. Happened to check the mail on the way in. On the top was an envelope from WY F&G that I could tell was a tag, but it was too early for antelope draw.

What is this?, so I pop it open. NR Elk and Fishing. Crap I screwed up and bought a fishing license when I applied for an elk tag, but it has a unit listed on it??? Go check my points and they're set to 0. Holy Cow I drew a NR elk tag. I didn't even remember applying, or what I applied for in January. I knew it had to be something good though. Text ATHiker and run out the door for Tball with the kids on cloud 9. As I do more research it sinks in what I have in my possession. I'll just say it takes more than 12 points to draw this unit, there are less than 3 random tags, less than 1% draw odds, and I only had 3 points.

Also, the enormity hits me at this time too. I've never elk hunted before, but have hunted everything else under the sun since I was 12 for big game. Time to e-scout and research. I paid the money for ElkNut, Elk101, and Treeline Pursuits for E-scouting and strategy, buy calls and whatever else gear I haven't accumulated over the years, and start shooting the bow and rifle as much as possible.

On top of all of that its time to get my fat butt in shape. I played college football as an o-lineman and graduated at 315 lbs. Lost 80 pounds after graduation and kept it off for about 5 years. Since then I yo yo between 240 and 280 and I was closer to the 280 end when I drew this tag. Lost about ~20 - 25 lbs since June for this tag.

Initial plan was to bow hunt the pre-rut Sept. 3rd - 12th with a bow and then go back with a rifle in October if I wasn't successful. Well as the original post states, we drew MT antelope tags and momma says you ain't doing 3 trips. (That sounds bad, but kudos to my supportive wife in my hunting addiction) Now we're leaving soon and heading back early October hopefully with cooler full of elk and a taxidermy bill.

To be honest I'm a little stressed about the hunt right now since it's my first "glory" tag. I even looked into a guide for this trip, but decided against for a few reasons. ATHiker said he could tag along and help out, success rates are high with a rifle, and I've met a local contact in the unit from one of my grandfather's college buddies (Small world)

Do I call to the elk or not call?
Aggressive and try to seal the deal with a bow before the orange army shows up or slow play and be ready for rifle?
I know what I've read, but what do elk actually do?
I've been told by some folks out west to not shoot an elk under 320 on this tag. What's a 320" elk look like in the heat of the moment with bow drawn or in the crosshairs? (Yes I know it's my tag and to shoot what will make me happy. I'm sure the standards will begin decreasing time as well)


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Oct 26, 2012
North AL
That's a long drive and probably not much for radio stations in that unit. You'd better make sure you got plenty of Luke Bryan downloaded to play.

Good luck guys. I'll be looking forward to the updates.
I remember the mule deer trip out there. 1 station and it was pop with the same 3 songs on repeat it seems.

I still don't know what Taylor Swift did, if Demi Lavato is sorry or not sorry, and we didn't see any Thunder and Lightning but heard it.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Dec 8, 2016
I leave next Tuesday headed to Wyoming also. I'm after mule deer, and will definitely be in a different area of the state, but good luck and I plan to do a similar thread on our hunt.

AT Hiker

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
I gotta confess. Only reason why I'm going is because Im down to my last Moose Drool, gotta replenish.
Hopefully in return for helping pack out his monster bull he will share some elk steaks with me to enjoy with my newly replenished beer stash.


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