TWRA meeting today


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2002
Knoxville-Dover-Union City, TN
Wildlife crime is largely viewed as a victimless crime.
I suppose since very few politicians hunt, they really don't care much about game laws and hunting issues.

It's very frustrating when a TWRA office goes to court, only to have the judge act upset TWRA is wasting his time over something he thinks is a nothing-burger.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2018
Clarksville, TN
I suppose since very few politicians hunt, they really don't care much about game laws and hunting issues.

It's very frustrating when a TWRA office goes to court, only to have the judge act upset TWRA is wasting his time over something he thinks is a nothing-burger.
Not the one in my case, pretty quick guilty verdict and I listened to the ones before and after me get the same.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2004
east tn
Not the one in my case, pretty quick guilty verdict and I listened to the ones before and after me get the same.
At one time the ADA's in two of the counties I worked told us to talk to the lawyers or defendants and come back with the plea. Only one of the counties does that now.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2018
Clarksville, TN
At one time the ADA's in two of the counties I worked told us to talk to the lawyers or defendants and come back with the plea. Only one of the counties does that now.
In my case, TWRA was the prosecutor, "graciously" offered to drop the no orange charge (my own property) if I plead guilty, told him to pound sand.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2023
actually i think it was stated the officer was only making the twra $10 or $20 for doing 2 or three hours work processing a ticket!!
also i apologize. the AVERAGE salary is 76,206 for a warden!! AVERAGE!!!! i previously stated 75,000!! my mistake!!
no one wants to respond????? 🫣


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
no one wants to respond????? 🫣


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2019
Yes, the fine ranges for all misdemeanors were set by a legislative sentencing commission and approved by the legislature. TWRA has zero say in the process.

The range for some of the Class B misdemeanors can go up to $500, but it is EXTREMELY rare to see a judge go past the starting point of the range. They can also include jail time. Again, it is rare to see that used by a judge. Wildlife crime is largely viewed as a victimless crime.
I fought one and paid one, had a few warnings. The one I fought I got by with just a $25 fine. Judge believed me. The other I paid as I was guilty. The way it used to be was all the months tickets from the month before were settled in one day in the courthouse. Maybe the 4th Wednesday. Multiple GWs at court house. While hanging out there I saw a lady with a boat cushion she wanted to show the officers, she paid her ticket. There was another guy that had a littering ticket from the GW for a night crawler box and a couple of beer cans. He claimed they weren't his. It's a fun filled day. The thing that got me was you start for a roll call in the main court room with the people in jail in orange chained up and all the other riff raff. You realize then that you are lumped in with everyone else. They then split the ones up with TWRA tickets to see the DA, pay your ticket, or see the judge. The DA tried to bluff me into paying my ticket instead of seeing the judge on the one I fought. I told him I wanted a jury trial 🤣. He told me if it went to trial I could face 6 months in jail. Before you judge me : my high crimes have been a short fish ( gut hooked), kids not wearing life jackets in 1 ft of water anchored on a bluegill bed, hunting turkeys on day 10 of bait being removed from a feeder, the worst thing I ever did was not make the kids wear life jackets if you ask me but that was a warning.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2021
Powell, Tn.
There was no spin needed on my part. For someone to read what I wrote about the revenue stream from a citation and come up with even a hint of me saying an officer shouldn't do his/her job and write citations shows an absolutely ASTOUNDING lack of intelligence.

With the odds of you ever posting something remotely worth me reading being about the same as me winning the MegaMillion, you win the coveted green stripe and go in the file with the rest of the culls and idiots. Life is far too short to deal with your stupidity.
I'm feeling the same about your Stupidity and arrogance. You even admitted in an earlier post that you were an Idiot. You told @Snake to use the ignore button on you like YOU do with other idiots. Sir you have spoken and removed ALL doubt.... If I were 1 of your "Tight Buddies" I'd change my name. I bet when you left the TWRA the workplace moral skyrocketed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2021
Powell, Tn.
Not sure what your trying to prove other than you don't know or care about the cost to run this state. All this

The only thing you have done is waste time and prove that TWRA loses money to write tickets, the court system is the folks who get the bulk and that's what all this useless typing was about TWRA getting rich from tickets. green strip lol
Where does the proceeds from seized property go to? I've been to a Court House Steps sale but don't remember..


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2004
east tn
Where does the proceeds from seized property go to? I've been to a Court House Steps sale but don't remember..
There was some problems that arose from that system dealing with who bought guns etc. Confiscated items are sold through General Services online and I think only FFL holders are allowed to buy guns. I don't think items sell for as much now.
I sold a Marlin 22 that had a bad case of road rash once for almost $200. New ones were about $100.
As far as I know General Services disturbs the money to the seizing agency.

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